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China's mold industry will still have a long way to go towards high-end manufacturing.

In recent years, with the continuous development of the mold industry, some of the original problems have been constantly emerging and becoming more and more serious. The emergence of low-cost molds, low-quality product structure and low technical content, roughness and other problems, and most of these companies are small labor-intensive companies. This type of enterprise produces a large number of molds, low prices, low profits, no technical content, no competitive advantage, and it is easy to go bankrupt. Experts said that the long-term operation of Chinese mold companies must make drastic reforms. The first thing is to improve technology. Only mastering patented technology can enable enterprises to have a strong competitive advantage, enter the high-end market, and create their own unique brand. And now the precision of molds is getting higher and higher. Many companies are in decline due to the inability of technology to keep up. Only many companies that continuously innovate and improve technology can adapt and survive. But these surviving companies have not got a good development. It can be seen that there is still a long way to go for China's mold industry to move toward high-end.